.. SnapPy news ==== News ==== * Version 3.1 (May 2023): - A method :meth:`exterior_to_link ` for going from a link exterior to a link diagram taken from `Dunfield-Obeidin-Rudd `_. - Covers now computed by the stand-alone `low_index `_ module, which uses multiple processor cores and is typically much faster than the old code. In some cases, it is dramatically faster than even GAP or Magma. - Added geodesics to the :meth:`inside_view `. - Added drilling any simple geodesic with :meth:`drill_word ` and :meth:`drill_words `, not just those that are :meth:`combinatorially simple `. - Added `ignore_orientation` flag to :meth:`triangulation_isosig `. - Added `include_words` flag to :meth:`length_spectrum ` for getting the word corresponding to a geodesic which can be given to :meth:`drill_word `. - Support for Python 3.11 and SageMath 10.0. - Modernized styling of the documentation. * Version 3.0.3 (December 2021): - Runs natively on Macs with Apple Silicon processors (M1, M2, and variants). * Version 3.0.2 (November 2021): - Support for SageMath 9.4 and 9.5, Python 3.10, and macOS Monterey. * Version 3.0 (April 2021): New features include: - Incorporates Zoltán Szabó's `program `_ for computing Knot Floer homology, see :meth:`knot_floer_homology `. This can compute the Seifert genus of a 25 crossing knot in mere seconds! - Topological slice obstructions of Herald-Kirk-Livingston, see :meth:`slice_obstruction_HKL `. - Faster "local" algorithm for :meth:`jones_polynomial `. - `Cohomology fractals `_ added to :meth:`inside_view `. - Convention changes: Sign of knot signature (now positive knots have negative signatures), choice of braid generators (now positive generators give positive crossings). - Updates to methods :meth:`cusp_translations `, :meth:`cusp_areas `, :meth:`short_slopes `. Also :meth:`Link ` now accepts DT codes. - Support for SageMath 9.3, Python 3.9, and macOS Big Sur. - macOS app now code-signed and notarized. - SnapPy now requires Python 3.6 or newer. * Version 2.8 (June 2020): New features include: - Raytraced interior views of a hyperbolic 3-manifold via the :meth:`inside_view ` method, see also `images `_ and `demo video `_. - :doc:`verify`: Several new features: * Complex volume (and thus the Chern-Simons invariant) for both cusped and closed manifolds, see :meth:`complex_volume `. * Disjoint cusp neighborhoods by the method :meth:`cusp_areas ` which uses :meth:`cusp_area_matrix `. * Cusp shapes (see :meth:`cusp_info `). * Finding all :meth:`short_slopes ` in disjoint embedded cusp neighborhoods. - The census :class:`HTLinkExteriors ` has been extended to 15 crossing knots (contributed by Malik Obeidin). - The census :class:`CensusKnots ` has been extended to triangulations with 9 ideal tetrahedra. - Support for SageMath 9.0 and macOS Catalina. - Development moved to `GitHub `_. * Version 2.7 (July 2019): New features include: - Python 3 is now recommended over Python 2 on all platforms; the default Mac and Windows apps use Python 3 rather than Python 2. The only difference most users will notice is that one must type ``print(blah)`` instead of ``print blah``. - `Verified computations `_: performance improvements by switching to the Krawczyk test. - Support for SageMath 8.8. - Installation instructions extensively updated. - GUI improvements, especially on macOS. These include improved support for dark mode and tabs on macOS Mojave and preliminary support for macOS Catalina. * Version 2.6.1 (August 2018): New features include: - Support for SageMath 8.3, Python 3.7, and macOS Mojave. - Computing `ideals defining SL(2, C) character varieties. `_ Contributed by Jean-Philippe Burelle, based on `this paper `_. - Many bug fixes. * Version 2.6 (Nov 2017): New features include: - Support for macOS High Sierra, SageMath 8.1, and Windows systems using non-Latin alphabets. - Many bug fixes, including improved Python 3 support. * Version 2.5 (Feb 2017): New features include: - Rigorous computation of `hyperbolic volume `_. - STL export of Dirichlet domains for 3D printing, contributed by Jose Sanchez. - Support for Python 3, SageMath 7.5, 7.6, and 8.0, and many more versions of Python on Windows. - Much improved infrastructure for testing and distributing SnapPy. * Version 2.4 (May 2016): New features include: - Added `census of Platonic manifolds `_. - Rigorous computation of `cusp translations `_. - Added decorations to `triangulation isomorphism signatures `_ for encoding peripheral curves. - Faster verification of non-tetrahedral canonical cell decompositions. - Improvements to the `link and planar diagram component `_, mostly contributed by Malik Obeidin, include: * Bar-Natan's super-fast `tangle-based algorithm `_ for computing the Alexander polynomial. * Can now compute the `Seifert matrix `_ and express a link as a `braid closure `_. * Conversion to/from `SageMath links and braids `_. * Many under-the-hood improvements. - New Windows installer. * Version 2.3 (March 2015): New features include: - Major improvements to the `link and planar diagram component `_, including link simplification, random links, and better documentation. - Basic support for `spun normal surfaces `_. - New extra features when used inside of Sage: * HIKMOT-style `rigorous verification of hyperbolic structures `_, contributed by Matthias Goerner. * Many `basic knot/link invariants `_, contributed by Robert Lipschitz and Jennet Dickinson. * Sage-specific functions are now more easily accessible as methods of Manifold and better documented. * Improved number field recognition, thanks to Matthias. - Better compatibility with OS X Yosemite and Windows 8.1. - Development changes: * Major source code reorganization/cleanup. * Source code repository moved to `Bitbucket `_. * Python modules now hosted on `PyPI `_, simplifying `installation `_. * Version 2.2 (June 2014): Includes Ben Burton's `census of orientable cusped manifolds with 9 tetrahedra. `_ * Version 2.1 (February 2014): New `high-precision manifolds (ManifoldHP) `_ which compute hyperbolic structures (and everything related) in `quad-double (212 bit) `_ precision. * Version 2.0 (September 2013): Many new features, including: - A `manifold browser `_ window for easily examining a particular manifold. - Many improvements to the `link editor `_, including * A smoothed view mode with image export to EPS/PDF/SVG/TikZ. * Producing a fully editable link from combinatorial data like a DT code. - `Splitting manifolds `_ along surfaces of non-negative euler characteristic. - Generalizing the ptolemy obstruction class to allow computation of PGL(3,C)-representations and improving usability of the `ptolemy module `_. - `CensusKnots `_ now includes knot exteriors with 8 tetrahedra. * Version 1.8 (May 2013) improves handling of DT codes and adds the `HTLinkExteriors `_ census, which provides identification for knots and links up to 14 crossings. * Version 1.7 (November 2012) incorporates the `ptolemy module `_ for studying representations of 3-manifold groups into pSL(*N*, **C**). * Version 1.6 (August 2012) includes a `new way to make links `_ and some support for `arbitrary precision calculation `_. * Version 1.5 (February 2012) includes `much improved manifold censuses `_. * Version 1.4 (December 2011) uses the current release of IPython, which has been completely rewritten. * Version 1.3.10 (July 2011) incorporates `Twister `_. * Version 1.3 (February 2011) has a completely redesigned cusp horoball viewer and many bug fixes! * Version 1.2 (December 2010). * Version 1.1 (February 2010). * Version 1.0 (August 2009) Initial version.