Internals of verified computations


The names of methods containing check will raise an exception if the desired property cannot be certified. There are different types of Exceptions to indicate how the certification failed. This type can be used by other methods to perform some action such as changing the triangulation or increasing precision or to give up.

The user-facing methods have names starting with verify or verified and will fail more gracefully returning False or None in such a case.

Generating certified shape intervals

The recommended way to obtain certified intervals for the shapes is via manifold.tetrahedra_shapes(intervals=True) as described earlier. Here we document the KrawczykShapesEngine and IntervalNewtonShapesEngine which is implemented internally to generate the intervals. It is of interest for those users who want to understand the underlying interval math and experiment with the Newton interval method or the Krawczyk test. CertifiedShapesEngine is an alias of either KrawczykShapesEngine or IntervalNewtonShapesEngine to determine the default method used by verify.


alias of KrawczykShapesEngine

class snappy.verify.IntervalNewtonShapesEngine(M, initial_shapes, bits_prec=None, dec_prec=None)

An engine that is initialized with an approximated candidate solution to the rectangular gluing equations and produces intervals certified to contain a true solution. After the engine is successfully run, the resulting intervals are stored in certified_shapes which is a vector of elements in a Sage’s ComplexIntervalField.

A simple example to obtain certified shape intervals that uses KrawczykShapesEngine or IntervalNewtonShapesEngine under the hood:

sage: from snappy import Manifold
sage: M = Manifold("m015")
sage: M.tetrahedra_shapes('rect', bits_prec = 80, intervals = True) # doctest: +NUMERIC15 +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[0.6623589786223730129805? + 0.5622795120623012438992?*I,
 0.6623589786223730129805? + 0.5622795120623012438992?*I,
 0.6623589786223730129805? + 0.5622795120623012438992?*I]

Its objective is thus the same as HIKMOT and it is certainly HIKMOT inspired. However, it conceptually differs in that:

  1. It uses the Newton interval method instead of the Krawczyk test (we implement Gaussian elimination in interval arithmetic to compute the inverse of an interval matrix having interval arithmetic semantics, see mat_solve).

  2. It uses complex numbers in it’s Newton interval method. We simply use Sage’s complex interval type avoiding the need of converting n x n complex matrices into 2n x 2n real matrices as described Section 3.4 of the HIKMOT paper.

  3. We avoid automatic differentiation. We pick an independent set of equations of the following form and try to solve them:

    log(LHS) = 0


    LHS = c * z0^a0 * (1-z0)^b0 * z1^a1 * (1-z1)^b1 * …

    with a, b and c’s as returned by Manifold.gluing_equations(‘rect’).

    The derivative of log (LHS) with respect to zj is simply given by

    aj/zj - bj/(1-zj)

    and thus no need for automatic differentiation.

In contrast to HIKMOT, we use and return Sage’s native implementation of (complex) interval arithmetic here, which allows for increased interoperability. Another advantage is that Sage supports arbitrary precision. Unfortunately, performance suffers and this implementation is 5-10 times slower than HIKMOT.

Here is an example how to explicitly invoke the IntervalNewtonShapesEngine:

sage: shapes = M.tetrahedra_shapes('rect', bits_prec = 80)
sage: C = IntervalNewtonShapesEngine(M, shapes, bits_prec = 80)
sage: C.expand_until_certified()
sage: C.certified_shapes # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
(0.662358978622373012981? + 0.562279512062301243...?*I, 0.66235897862237301298...? + 0.562279512062301243...?*I, 0.66235897862237301298...? + 0.562279512062301243...?*I)
static certified_newton_iteration(equations, shape_intervals, point_in_intervals=None, interval_value_at_point=None)

Given shape intervals z, performs a Newton interval iteration N(z) as described in newton_iteration. Returns a pair (boolean, N(z)) where the boolean is True if N(z) is contained in z.

If the boolean is True, it is certified that N(z) contains a true solution, e.g., a point for which f is truly zero.

See newton_iteration for the other parameters.

This follows from Theorem 1 of Zgliczynski’s notes.

Some examples:

sage: from snappy import Manifold
sage: M = Manifold("m019")
sage: C = IntervalNewtonShapesEngine(M, M.tetrahedra_shapes('rect'),
...                           bits_prec = 80)

Intervals containing the true solution:

sage: good_shapes = vector([
...       C.CIF(C.RIF(0.78055, 0.78056), C.RIF(0.91447, 0.91448)),
...       C.CIF(C.RIF(0.78055, 0.78056), C.RIF(0.91447, 0.91448)),
...       C.CIF(C.RIF(0.46002, 0.46003), C.RIF(0.63262, 0.63263))])
sage: is_certified, shapes = IntervalNewtonShapesEngine.certified_newton_iteration(C.equations, good_shapes)

sage: is_certified
sage: shapes  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
(0.78055253? + 0.91447366...?*I, 0.7805525...? + 0.9144736...?*I, 0.4600211...? + 0.632624...?*I)

This means that a true solution to the rectangular gluing equations is contained in both the given intervals (good_shapes) and the returned intervals (shapes) which are a refinement of the given intervals.

Intervals not containing a true solution:

sage: bad_shapes = vector([
...       C.CIF(C.RIF(0.78054, 0.78055), C.RIF(0.91447, 0.91448)),
...       C.CIF(C.RIF(0.78055, 0.78056), C.RIF(0.91447, 0.91448)),
...       C.CIF(C.RIF(0.46002, 0.46003), C.RIF(0.63262, 0.63263))])
sage: is_certified, shapes = IntervalNewtonShapesEngine.certified_newton_iteration(C.equations, bad_shapes)
sage: is_certified

Try Newton interval iterations, expanding the shape intervals until we can certify they contain a true solution. If succeeded, return True and write certified shapes to certified_shapes. Set verbose = True for printing additional information.

static interval_vector_is_contained_in(vecA, vecB)

Given two vectors of intervals, return whether the first one is contained in the second one. Examples:

sage: RIF = RealIntervalField(80)
sage: CIF = ComplexIntervalField(80)
sage: box = CIF(RIF(-1,1),RIF(-1,1))
sage: a = [ CIF(0.1), CIF(1) + box ]
sage: b = [ CIF(0) + box, CIF(1) + 2 * box ]
sage: c = [ CIF(0), CIF(1) + 3 * box ]

sage: IntervalNewtonShapesEngine.interval_vector_is_contained_in(a, b)
sage: IntervalNewtonShapesEngine.interval_vector_is_contained_in(a, c)
sage: IntervalNewtonShapesEngine.interval_vector_is_contained_in(b, a)
sage: IntervalNewtonShapesEngine.interval_vector_is_contained_in(b, c)
sage: IntervalNewtonShapesEngine.interval_vector_is_contained_in(c, a)
sage: IntervalNewtonShapesEngine.interval_vector_is_contained_in(c, b)
static interval_vector_mid_points(vec)

Given a vector of complex intervals, return the midpoints (as 0-length complex intervals) of them.

static interval_vector_union(vecA, vecB)

Given two vectors of intervals, return the vector of their unions, i.e., the smallest interval containing both intervals.

static log_gluing_LHS_derivatives(equations, shapes)

Compute the Jacobian of the vector-valued function f described in the above log_gluing_LHSs:

sage: from snappy import Manifold
sage: M = Manifold("m019")
sage: equations = M.gluing_equations('rect')
sage: RIF = RealIntervalField(80)
sage: CIF = ComplexIntervalField(80)
sage: shape1 = CIF(RIF(0.78055,0.78056), RIF(0.9144, 0.9145))
sage: shape2 = CIF(RIF(0.46002,0.46003), RIF(0.6326, 0.6327))
sage: shapes = [shape1, shape1, shape2]
sage: IntervalNewtonShapesEngine.log_gluing_LHS_derivatives(equations, shapes) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[  0.292? - 1.66...?*I   0.292? - 1.66...?*I   0.752? - 1.034...?*I]
[-0.5400? + 0.63...?*I -0.5400? + 0.63...?*I   1.561? + 1.829...?*I]
[ 0.2482? + 1.034...?*I  0.2482? + 1.034...?*I  -2.313? - 0.795...?*I]
[ 0.5400? - 0.63...?*I -0.5400? + 0.63...?*I                    0]
[...-0.4963? - 2.068?*I  1.0800? - 1.26...?*I   0.752? - 1.034...?*I]
static log_gluing_LHSs(equations, shapes)

Given the result of M.gluing_equations(‘rect’) or a subset of rows of it and shapes, return a vector of log(LHS) where

LHS = c * z0 ** a0 * (1-z0) ** b0 * z1 ** a1 * …

Let f: C^n -> C^n denote the function which takes shapes and returns the vector of log(LHS).

The reason we take the logarithm of the rectangular gluing equations is because the logarithmic derivative is of a particular nice form:

sage: from snappy import Manifold
sage: M = Manifold("m019")
sage: equations = M.gluing_equations('rect')
sage: RIF = RealIntervalField(80)
sage: CIF = ComplexIntervalField(80)
sage: zero = CIF(0).center()
sage: shape1 = CIF(RIF(0.78055,0.78056), RIF(0.9144, 0.9145))
sage: shape2 = CIF(RIF(0.46002,0.46003), RIF(0.6326, 0.6327))

An interval solution containing the true solution. The log of each rectangular equation should be 0 for the true solution, hence the interval should contain zero:

sage: shapes = [shape1, shape1, shape2]
sage: LHSs = IntervalNewtonShapesEngine.log_gluing_LHSs(equations, shapes)
sage: LHSs # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
(0.000? + 0.000?*I, 0.000? + 0.000?*I, 0.000? + 0.000?*I, 0.000...? + 0.000...?*I, 0.000? + 0.000?*I)
sage: zero in LHSs[0]

An interval not containing the true solution:

sage: shapes = [shape1, shape1, shape1]
sage: LHSs = IntervalNewtonShapesEngine.log_gluing_LHSs(equations, shapes)
sage: LHSs # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
(0.430? - 0.078?*I, -0.2...? + 0.942?*I, -0.1...? - 0.8...?*I, 0.000...? + 0.000...?*I, 0.430? - 0.078?*I)
sage: zero in LHSs[0]
static newton_iteration(equations, shape_intervals, point_in_intervals=None, interval_value_at_point=None)

Perform a Newton interval method of iteration for the function f described in log_gluing_LHSs.

Let z denote the shape intervals. Let z_center be a point close to the center point of the shape intervals (in the implementation, z_center is an interval of again, of length zero).

The result returned will be

N(z) = z_center - ((Df)(z))^-1 f(z_center)

The user can overwrite the z_center to be used by providing point_in_intervals (which have to be 0-length complex intervals). The user can also give the interval value of f(z_center) by providing interval_value_at_point to avoid re-evaluation of f(z_center).

A very approximate solution:

sage: from snappy import Manifold
sage: M = Manifold("m019")
sage: shapes = [ 0.7+1j, 0.7+1j, 0.5+0.5j ]

Get the equations and initialize zero-length intervals from it:

sage: C = IntervalNewtonShapesEngine(M, shapes, bits_prec = 80)
sage: C.initial_shapes
(0.69999999999999995559107902? + 1*I, 0.69999999999999995559107902? + 1*I, 0.50000000000000000000000000? + 0.50000000000000000000000000?*I)

Do several Newton interval operations to get a better solution:

sage: shape_intervals = C.initial_shapes
sage: for i in range(4): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
...     shape_intervals = IntervalNewtonShapesEngine.newton_iteration(C.equations, shape_intervals)
...     print(shape_intervals)
(0.78674683118381457770...? + 0.9208680745160821379529?*I, 0.786746831183814577703...? + 0.9208680745160821379529?*I, 0.459868058287098030934...? + 0.61940871855835167317...?*I)
(0.78056102517632648594...? + 0.9144962118446750482...?*I, 0.78056102517632648594...? + 0.9144962118446750482...?*I, 0.4599773577869384936554? + 0.63251940718694538695...?*I)
(0.78055253104531610049...? + 0.9144736621585220345231?*I, 0.780552531045316100497...? + 0.9144736621585220345231?*I, 0.460021167103732494700...? + 0.6326241909236695020810...?*I)
(0.78055252785072483256...? + 0.91447366296772644033...?*I, 0.7805525278507248325678? + 0.914473662967726440333...?*I, 0.4600211755737178641204...? + 0.6326241936052562241142...?*I)

For comparison:

sage: M.tetrahedra_shapes('rect')
[0.780552527850725 + 0.914473662967726*I, 0.780552527850725 + 0.914473662967726*I, 0.460021175573718 + 0.632624193605256*I]

Start with a rather big interval, note that the Newton interval method is stable in the sense that the interval size decreases:

sage: box = C.CIF(C.RIF(-0.0001,0.0001),C.RIF(-0.0001,0.0001))
sage: shape_intervals = C.initial_shapes.apply_map(lambda shape: shape + box)
sage: shape_intervals
(0.700? + 1.000?*I, 0.700? + 1.000?*I, 0.500? + 0.500?*I)
sage: for i in range(7):
...     shape_intervals = IntervalNewtonShapesEngine.newton_iteration(C.equations, shape_intervals)
sage: print(shape_intervals) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
(0.78055252785072483798...? + 0.91447366296772645593...?*I, 0.7805525278507248379869? + 0.914473662967726455938...?*I, 0.460021175573717872891...? + 0.632624193605256171637...?*I)
class snappy.verify.KrawczykShapesEngine(M, initial_shapes, bits_prec=None, dec_prec=None)

An engine that is initialized with an approximated candidate solution to the rectangular gluing equations and produces intervals certified to contain a true solution. After the engine is successfully run, the resulting intervals are stored in certified_shapes which is a vector of elements in a Sage’s ComplexIntervalField.

A simple example to obtain certified shape intervals that uses the KrawczykShapesEngine or IntervalNewtonShapesEngine under the hood:

sage: from snappy import Manifold
sage: M = Manifold("m015")
sage: M.tetrahedra_shapes('rect', bits_prec = 80, intervals = True) # doctest: +NUMERIC15 +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[0.6623589786223730129805? + 0.5622795120623012438992?*I,
 0.6623589786223730129805? + 0.5622795120623012438992?*I,
 0.6623589786223730129805? + 0.5622795120623012438992?*I]

Its objective is thus the same as HIKMOT and it is certainly HIKMOT inspired. However, it conceptually differs in that:

  1. It uses complex numbers in it’s computations. We simply use Sage’s complex interval type avoiding the need of converting n x n complex matrices into 2n x 2n real matrices as described Section 3.4 of the HIKMOT paper.

  2. We avoid automatic differentiation. We pick an independent set of equations of the following form and try to solve them:

    log(LHS) = 0


    LHS = c * z0^a0 * (1-z0)^b0 * z1^a1 * (1-z1)^b1 * …

    with a, b and c’s as returned by Manifold.gluing_equations(‘rect’).

    The derivative of log (LHS) with respect to zj is simply given by

    aj/zj - bj/(1-zj)

    and thus no need for automatic differentiation.

  3. For speed-up, the approximate inverse is always computed with double’s. Some intermediate matrix computations are performed sparsely.

In contrast to HIKMOT, we use and return Sage’s native implementation of (complex) interval arithmetic here, which allows for increased interoperability. Another advantage is that Sage supports arbitrary precision.

Here is an example how to explicitly invoke the KrawczykShapesEngine:

sage: shapes = M.tetrahedra_shapes('rect', bits_prec = 80)
sage: C = KrawczykShapesEngine(M, shapes, bits_prec = 80)
sage: C.expand_until_certified()
sage: C.certified_shapes # doctest: +NUMERIC12
(0.6623589786223730129805? + 0.5622795120623012438992?*I, 0.6623589786223730129805? + 0.5622795120623012438992?*I, 0.6623589786223730129805? + 0.5622795120623012438992?*I)

And here an example where the initial solution is somewhat off:

sage: M = Manifold("m019")
sage: shapes = [ 0.78+0.91j, 0.79+0.92j, 0.5 + 0.63j ]
sage: C = KrawczykShapesEngine(M, shapes, bits_prec = 80)
sage: C.expand_until_certified()
sage: C.certified_shapes
(0.78? + 0.92?*I, 0.78? + 0.92?*I, 0.46? + 0.64?*I)

Try Krawczyk iterations (i.e., expanding the shape intervals [z] by the Krawczyk interval K(z0, [z], f)) until we can certify they contain a true solution.

If succeeded, return True and write certified shapes to certified_shapes. Set verbose = True for printing additional information.

static interval_vector_is_contained_in(vecA, vecB)

Given two vectors of intervals, return whether the first one is contained in the second one. Examples:

sage: RIF = RealIntervalField(80)
sage: CIF = ComplexIntervalField(80)
sage: box = CIF(RIF(-1,1),RIF(-1,1))
sage: a = [ CIF(0.1), CIF(1) + box ]
sage: b = [ CIF(0) + box, CIF(1) + 2 * box ]
sage: c = [ CIF(0), CIF(1) + 3 * box ]

sage: KrawczykShapesEngine.interval_vector_is_contained_in(a, b)
sage: KrawczykShapesEngine.interval_vector_is_contained_in(a, c)
sage: KrawczykShapesEngine.interval_vector_is_contained_in(b, a)
sage: KrawczykShapesEngine.interval_vector_is_contained_in(b, c)
sage: KrawczykShapesEngine.interval_vector_is_contained_in(c, a)
sage: KrawczykShapesEngine.interval_vector_is_contained_in(c, b)
static interval_vector_mid_points(vec)

Given a vector of complex intervals, return the midpoints (as 0-length complex intervals) of them.

static interval_vector_union(vecA, vecB)

Given two vectors of intervals, return the vector of their unions, i.e., the smallest interval containing both intervals.


Compute the interval in the Krawczyk test.

It is given as

K(z0, [z], f) := z0 - c * f(z0) + (Id - c * df([z])) * ([z] - z0)

  • z0 is the approximate candidate solution,

  • [z] are the shape_intervals we try to verify,

  • f is the function taking the shapes to the errors of the logarithmic gluing equations

  • c is an approximate inverse of df

  • df([z]) is the derivative of f (interval-)evaluated for [z]

Note that z0 in self.initial_shapes which are complex intervals containing only one value (the candidate solution given initially).

If K is contained in [z], then we have proven that [z] contains a solution to the gluing equations.

Do several Krawczyk operations to get a better solution:

sage: M = Manifold("m019")
sage: shapes = vector(ComplexIntervalField(53), [ 0.5+0.8j, 0.5+0.8j, 0.5+0.8j])
sage: for i in range(15):
...       penultimateShapes = shapes
...       centers = [ for shape in shapes ]
...       C = KrawczykShapesEngine(M, centers, bits_prec = 53)
...       shapes = C.krawczyk_interval(shapes)
sage: shapes # doctest: +NUMERIC12
(0.78055252785073? + 0.91447366296773?*I, 0.780552527850725? + 0.91447366296773?*I, 0.460021175573718? + 0.632624193605256?*I)

Compute the Jacobian of the vector-valued function f described in the above log_gluing_LHSs:

sage: from snappy import Manifold
sage: M = Manifold("m019")
sage: shapes = M.tetrahedra_shapes('rect', bits_prec = 80)
sage: C = KrawczykShapesEngine(M, shapes, bits_prec = 80)
sage: RIF = RealIntervalField(80)
sage: CIF = ComplexIntervalField(80)
sage: shape1 = CIF(RIF(0.78055,0.78056), RIF(0.9144, 0.9145))
sage: shape2 = CIF(RIF(0.46002,0.46003), RIF(0.6326, 0.6327))
sage: shapes = [shape1, shape1, shape2]
sage: C.log_gluing_LHS_derivatives(shapes) # doctest: +NUMERIC3
[  0.292? - 1.6666?*I   0.292? - 1.6666?*I   0.752? - 1.0340?*I]
[ 0.5400? - 0.6327?*I  0.5400? - 0.6327?*I  -1.561? - 1.8290?*I]
[ 0.5400? - 0.6327?*I -0.5400? + 0.6327?*I                    0]

A column-sparse matrix version of log_gluing_LHS_derivatives_sparse. The result is a list of list of pairs. Each list of pairs corresponds to a column, a pair being (index of row, value) where the index is increasing.


Given the result of M.gluing_equations(‘rect’) or a subset of rows of it and shapes, return a vector of log(LHS) where

LHS = c * z0 ** a0 * (1-z0) ** b0 * z1 ** a1 * …

Let f: C^n -> C^n denote the function which takes shapes and returns the vector of log(LHS).

The reason we take the logarithm of the rectangular gluing equations is because the logarithmic derivative is of a particular nice form:

sage: from snappy import Manifold
sage: M = Manifold("m019")
sage: equations = M.gluing_equations('rect')
sage: RIF = RealIntervalField(80)
sage: CIF = ComplexIntervalField(80)
sage: zero = CIF(0).center()
sage: shape1 = CIF(RIF(0.78055,0.78056), RIF(0.9144, 0.9145))
sage: shape2 = CIF(RIF(0.46002,0.46003), RIF(0.6326, 0.6327))

An interval solution containing the true solution. The log of each rectangular equation should be 0 for the true solution, hence the interval should contain zero:

sage: shapes = [shape1, shape1, shape2]
sage: C = KrawczykShapesEngine(M, [ for shape in shapes], bits_prec = 53)
sage: LHSs = C.log_gluing_LHSs(shapes)
sage: LHSs # doctest: +NUMERIC6
(0.000? + 0.000?*I, 0.000? + 0.000?*I, 0.0000? + 0.0000?*I)
sage: zero in LHSs[0]

An interval not containing the true solution:

sage: shapes = [shape1, shape1, shape1]
sage: LHSs = C.log_gluing_LHSs(shapes)
sage: LHSs # doctest: +NUMERIC3
(0.430? - 0.078?*I, 0.246? - 0.942?*I, 0.0000? + 0.0000?*I)
sage: zero in LHSs[0]
static matrix_times_sparse(m, sparse_m)

Multiply a (dense) Sage matrix with a column-sparse matrix (in the format described in log_gluing_LHS_derivatives_sparse).

Verification of hyperbolicity

Methods containing check will raise an exception if the desired property cannot be certified. Methods containing verify or verified will fail more gracefully returning False or None in such a case.

snappy.verify.verifyHyperbolicity.check_logarithmic_gluing_equations_and_positively_oriented_tets(manifold, shape_intervals)

Given a SnapPy manifold manifold and complex intervals for the shapes shape_intervals that are certified to contain a solution to the rectangular gluing equations, verify that the logarithmic gluing equations are also fulfilled and that all shapes have positive imaginary part. It will raise an exception if the verification fails. This is sufficient to prove that the manifold is indeed hyperbolic.

Since the given interval are supposed to contain a true solution of the rectangular gluing equations, the logarithmic gluing equations are known to be fulfilled up to a multiple of 2 pi i. Thus it is enough to certify that the absolute error of the logarithmic gluing equations is < 0.1. Using interval arithmetic, this function certifies this and positivity of the imaginary parts of the shapes:

sage: from snappy import Manifold
sage: M = Manifold("m019")
sage: check_logarithmic_gluing_equations_and_positively_oriented_tets(
...    M, M.tetrahedra_shapes('rect', intervals=True))

The SnapPy triangulation of the following hyperbolic manifold contains actually negatively oriented tetrahedra:

sage: M = Manifold("t02774")
sage: check_logarithmic_gluing_equations_and_positively_oriented_tets(
...    M, M.tetrahedra_shapes('rect', intervals=True))    # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
ShapePositiveImaginaryPartNumericalVerifyError: Numerical verification that shape has positive imaginary part has failed: Im(0.4800996900657? - 0.0019533695046?*I) > 0

Cusp cross sections

class snappy.verify.RealCuspCrossSection(mcomplex)

A t3m triangulation with real edge lengths of cusp cross sections built from a cusped (possibly non-orientable) SnapPy manifold M with a hyperbolic structure specified by shapes. It can scale the cusps to areas that can be specified or scale them such that they are disjoint. It can also compute the “tilts” used in the Tilt Theorem, see canonize_part_1.c.

The computations are agnostic about the type of numbers provided as shapes as long as they provide +, -, *, /, conjugate(), im(), abs(), sqrt(). Shapes can be a numerical type such as ComplexIntervalField or an exact type (supporting sqrt) such as QQbar.

The resulting edge lengths and tilts will be of the type returned by applying the above operations to the shapes. For example, if the shapes are in ComplexIntervalField, the edge lengths and tilts are elements in RealIntervalField.

Remark: The real edge lengths could also be obtained from the complex edge lengths computed by ComplexCuspCrossSection, but this has two drawbacks. The times at which we apply abs or sqrt during the development and rescaling of the cusps would be different. Though this gives the same values, the resulting representation of these values by an exact number type (such as the ones in might be prohibitively more complicated. Furthermore, ComplexCuspCrossSection does not work for non-orientable manifolds (it does not implement working in a cusp’s double-cover like the SnapPea kernel does).


alias of RealHoroTriangle


Check that all side lengths of horo triangles are consistent. If the logarithmic edge equations are fulfilled, this implices that the all cusps are complete and thus the manifold is complete.


Check that the shapes have positive imaginary part and that the logarithmic gluing equations have small error.

The shapes are coerced into the field given as argument before the logarithm is computed. It can be, e.g., a ComplexIntervalField.


Check that the polynomial edge equations are fulfilled exactly.

We use the conjugate inverse to support non-orientable manifolds.


Computes all tilts. They are written to the instances of t3m.simplex.Face and can be accessed as [ face.Tilt for face in crossSection.Faces].


List of all cusp areas.


Scales the cusp neighborhoods down until they are disjoint when intersected with the edges of the triangulations.

Given an edge of a triangulation, we can easily compute the signed distance between the two cusp neighborhoods at the ends of the edge measured along that edge. Thus, we can easily check that all the distances measured along all the edges are positive and scale the cusps down if necessary.

Unfortunately, this is not sufficient to ensure that two cusp neighborhoods are disjoint since there might be a geodesic between the two cusps such that the distance between the two cusps measured along the geodesic is shorter than measured along any edge of the triangulation.

Thus, it is necessary to call ensure_std_form as well: it will make sure that the cusp neighborhoods are small enough so that they intersect the tetrahedra in “standard” form. Here, “standard” form means that the corresponding horoball about a vertex of a tetrahedron intersects the three faces of the tetrahedron adjacent to the vertex but not the one opposite to the vertex.

For any geometric triangulation, standard form and positive distance measured along all edges of the triangulation is sufficient for disjoint neighborhoods.

The SnapPea kernel uses the proto-canonical triangulation associated to the cusp neighborhood to get around this when computing the “reach” and the “stoppers” for the cusps.

Remark: This means that the cusp neighborhoods might be scaled down more than necessary. Related open questions are: given maximal disjoint cusp neighborhoods (maximal in the sense that no neighborhood can be expanded without bumping into another or itself), is there always a geometric triangulation intersecting the cusp neighborhoods in standard form? Is there an easy algorithm to find this triangulation, e.g., by applying a 2-3 move whenever we see a non-standard intersection?


Makes sure that the cusp neighborhoods intersect each tetrahedron in standard form by scaling the cusp neighborhoods down if necessary.

static fromManifoldAndShapes(shapes)


Initialize from shapes provided from the floats returned by tetrahedra_shapes. The tilts appear to be negative but are not verified by interval arithmetics:

>>> from snappy import Manifold
>>> M = Manifold("m004")
>>> M.canonize()
>>> shapes = M.tetrahedra_shapes('rect')
>>> e = RealCuspCrossSection.fromManifoldAndShapes(M, shapes)
>>> e.normalize_cusps()
>>> e.compute_tilts()
>>> tilts = e.read_tilts()
>>> for tilt in tilts:
...     print('%.8f' % tilt)

Use verified intervals:

sage: from snappy.verify import * sage: M = Manifold(“m004”) sage: M.canonize() sage: shapes = M.tetrahedra_shapes(‘rect’, intervals=True)

Verify that the tetrahedra shapes form a complete manifold:

sage: check_logarithmic_gluing_equations_and_positively_oriented_tets(M,shapes) sage: e = RealCuspCrossSection.fromManifoldAndShapes(M, shapes) sage: e.normalize_cusps() sage: e.compute_tilts()

Tilts are verified to be negative:

sage: [tilt < 0 for tilt in e.read_tilts()] [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True]

Setup necessary things in Sage:

sage: from sage.rings.qqbar import QQbar sage: from sage.rings.rational_field import RationalField sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring import polygen sage: from sage.rings.real_mpfi import RealIntervalField sage: from sage.rings.complex_interval_field import ComplexIntervalField sage: x = polygen(RationalField()) sage: RIF = RealIntervalField() sage: CIF = ComplexIntervalField()

sage: M = Manifold(“m412”) sage: M.canonize()

Make our own exact shapes using Sage. They are the root of the given polynomial isolated by the given interval.

sage: r=QQbar.polynomial_root(x**2-x+1,CIF(RIF(0.49,0.51),RIF(0.86,0.87))) sage: shapes = 5 * [r] sage: e=RealCuspCrossSection.fromManifoldAndShapes(M, shapes) sage: e.normalize_cusps()

The following three lines verify that we have shapes giving a complete hyperbolic structure. The last one uses complex interval arithmetics.

sage: e.check_polynomial_edge_equations_exactly() sage: e.check_cusp_development_exactly() sage: e.check_logarithmic_edge_equations_and_positivity(CIF)

Because we use exact types, we can verify that each tilt is either negative or exactly zero.

sage: e.compute_tilts() sage: [(tilt < 0, tilt == 0) for tilt in e.read_tilts()] [(True, False), (True, False), (False, True), (True, False), (True, False), (True, False), (True, False), (False, True), (True, False), (True, False), (True, False), (False, True), (False, True), (False, True), (False, True), (False, True), (True, False), (True, False), (False, True), (True, False)]

Some are exactly zero, so the canonical cell decomposition has non-tetrahedral cells. In fact, the one cell is a cube. We can obtain the retriangulation of the canonical cell decomposition as follows:

sage: e.compute_tilts() sage: opacities = [tilt < 0 for tilt in e.read_tilts()] sage: N = M._canonical_retriangulation() sage: N.num_tetrahedra() 12

The manifold m412 has 8 isometries, the above code certified that using exact arithmetic: sage: len(N.isomorphisms_to(N)) 8


Scale cusp so that they have the given target area. Without argument, each cusp is scaled to have area 1. If the argument is a number, scale each cusp to have that area. If the argument is an array, scale each cusp by the respective entry in the array.


After compute_tilts() has been called, put the tilt values into an array containing the tilt of face 0, 1, 2, 3 of the first tetrahedron, … of the second tetrahedron, ….


Scale each cusp by Euclidean dilation by values in given array.

class snappy.verify.ComplexCuspCrossSection(mcomplex)

Similarly to RealCuspCrossSection with the following differences: it computes the complex edge lengths and the cusp translations (instead of the tilts) and it only works for orientable manifolds.

The same comment applies about the type of the shapes. The resulting edge lengths and translations will be of the same type as the shapes.

For shapes corresponding to a non-boundary unipotent representation (in other words, a manifold having an incomplete cusp), a cusp can be developed if an appropriate 1-cocycle is given. The 1-cocycle is a cellular cocycle in the dual of the cusp triangulations and represents an element in H^1(boundary M; C^*) that must match the PSL(2,C) boundary holonomy of the representation. It is encoded as dictionary with key (tet index, t3m face, t3m vertex).


alias of ComplexHoroTriangle


Develops cusp to assign to each horotriangle the positions of its three vertices in the Euclidean plane.

Note: For a complete cusp, this is defined only up to translating the entire triangle by translations generated by meridian and longitude.

For an incomplete cusp, this is defined only up to similarities generated by the meridian and longitude. The positions can be moved such that the fixed point of these similarities is at the origin by calling move_fixed_point_to_zero after add_vertex_positions_to_horotriangles.

Note: This is not working when one_cocycle is passed during the construction of the cusp cross section.


Compute the translations corresponding to the meridian and longitude for each cusp.


Check that all side lengths of horo triangles are consistent. If the logarithmic edge equations are fulfilled, this implices that the all cusps are complete and thus the manifold is complete.


Check that the shapes have positive imaginary part and that the logarithmic gluing equations have small error.

The shapes are coerced into the field given as argument before the logarithm is computed. It can be, e.g., a ComplexIntervalField.


Check that the polynomial edge equations are fulfilled exactly.

We use the conjugate inverse to support non-orientable manifolds.


List of all cusp areas.


Compute the cusp shapes as conjugate of the quotient of the translations corresponding to the longitude and meridian for each cusp (SnapPea kernel convention).


Scales the cusp neighborhoods down until they are disjoint when intersected with the edges of the triangulations.

Given an edge of a triangulation, we can easily compute the signed distance between the two cusp neighborhoods at the ends of the edge measured along that edge. Thus, we can easily check that all the distances measured along all the edges are positive and scale the cusps down if necessary.

Unfortunately, this is not sufficient to ensure that two cusp neighborhoods are disjoint since there might be a geodesic between the two cusps such that the distance between the two cusps measured along the geodesic is shorter than measured along any edge of the triangulation.

Thus, it is necessary to call ensure_std_form as well: it will make sure that the cusp neighborhoods are small enough so that they intersect the tetrahedra in “standard” form. Here, “standard” form means that the corresponding horoball about a vertex of a tetrahedron intersects the three faces of the tetrahedron adjacent to the vertex but not the one opposite to the vertex.

For any geometric triangulation, standard form and positive distance measured along all edges of the triangulation is sufficient for disjoint neighborhoods.

The SnapPea kernel uses the proto-canonical triangulation associated to the cusp neighborhood to get around this when computing the “reach” and the “stoppers” for the cusps.

Remark: This means that the cusp neighborhoods might be scaled down more than necessary. Related open questions are: given maximal disjoint cusp neighborhoods (maximal in the sense that no neighborhood can be expanded without bumping into another or itself), is there always a geometric triangulation intersecting the cusp neighborhoods in standard form? Is there an easy algorithm to find this triangulation, e.g., by applying a 2-3 move whenever we see a non-standard intersection?


Makes sure that the cusp neighborhoods intersect each tetrahedron in standard form by scaling the cusp neighborhoods down if necessary.


After developing an incomplete cusp with add_vertex_positions_to_horotriangles, this function moves the vertex positions first to zero the fixed point (see move_ffixed_point_to_zero) and computes logarithms for all the vertex positions of the horotriangles in the Euclidean plane in a consistent manner. These logarithms are written to a dictionary lifted_vertex_positions on the HoroTriangle’s.

For an incomplete cusp, the respective value in lifted_vertex_positions will be None.

The three logarithms of the vertex positions of a triangle are only defined up to adding mu Z + lambda Z where mu and lambda are the logarithmic holonomies of the meridian and longitude.


Determines the fixed point of the holonomies for all incomplete cusps. Then moves the vertex positions of the corresponding cusp triangles so that the fixed point is at the origin.

It also add the boolean v.is_complete to all vertices of the triangulation to mark whether the corresponding cusp is complete or not.


Shift the lifted vertex positions such that the one associated to the first vertex when developing the incomplete cusp is zero. This makes the values we obtain more stable when changing the Dehn-surgery parameters.


Scale cusp so that they have the given target area. Without argument, each cusp is scaled to have area 1. If the argument is a number, scale each cusp to have that area. If the argument is an array, scale each cusp by the respective entry in the array.


Scale each cusp by Euclidean dilation by values in given array.

Verified canonical cell decompositions

snappy.verify.verifyCanonical.interval_checked_canonical_triangulation(M, bits_prec=None)

Given a canonical triangulation of a cusped (possibly non-orientable) manifold M, return this triangulation if it has tetrahedral cells and can be verified using interval arithmetics with the optional, given precision. Otherwise, raises an Exception.

It fails when we call it on something which is not the canonical triangulation:

sage: from snappy import Manifold
sage: M = Manifold("m015")
sage: interval_checked_canonical_triangulation(M) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
TiltProvenPositiveNumericalVerifyError: Numerical verification that tilt is negative has failed, tilt is actually positive. This is provably not the proto-canonical triangulation: 0.164542163...? <= 0

It verifies the canonical triangulation:

sage: M.canonize()
sage: K = interval_checked_canonical_triangulation(M)
sage: K

Has a non-tetrahedral canonical cell:

sage: M = Manifold("m137")
sage: M.canonize()
sage: interval_checked_canonical_triangulation(M) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
TiltInequalityNumericalVerifyError: Numerical verification that tilt is negative has failed: 0.?e-1... < 0

Has a cubical canonical cell:

sage: M = Manifold("m412")
sage: M.canonize()
sage: interval_checked_canonical_triangulation(M) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
TiltInequalityNumericalVerifyError: Numerical verification that tilt is negative has failed: 0.?e-1... < 0
snappy.verify.verifyCanonical.exactly_checked_canonical_retriangulation(M, bits_prec, degree)

Given a proto-canonical triangulation of a cusped (possibly non-orientable) manifold M, return its canonical retriangulation which is computed from exact shapes. The exact shapes are computed using snap (which uses the LLL-algorithm). The precision (in bits) and the maximal degree need to be specified (here 300 bits precision and polynomials of degree less than 4):

sage: from snappy import Manifold
sage: M = Manifold("m412")
sage: M.canonize()
sage: K = exactly_checked_canonical_retriangulation(M, 300, 4)

M’s canonical cell decomposition has a cube, so non-tetrahedral:

sage: K.has_finite_vertices()

Has 12 tetrahedra after the retrianglation:

sage: K.num_tetrahedra()

Check that it fails on something which is not a proto-canonical triangulation:

sage: from snappy import Manifold
sage: M = Manifold("m015")
sage: exactly_checked_canonical_retriangulation(M, 500, 6)  # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
TiltProvenPositiveNumericalVerifyError: Numerical verification that tilt is negative has failed, tilt is actually positive. This is provably not the proto-canonical triangulation: 0.1645421638874662848910671879? <= 0

Exact computations for cusp cross sections

The squareExtensions module provides two special classes to give exact representations of the values involved when computing a cusp cross section.

The method find_shapes_as_complex_sqrt_lin_combinations returns a list of shapes as ComplexSqrtLinCombination’s. This can be used as input to CuspCrossSection. The outputs of CuspCrossSection, including the tilts, will then be of type SqrtLinCombination.

Consider the real number field N generated by the real and imaginary part of the shapes. The edge lengths and the factors used to normalize the cusp areas will be square roots in N and thus the tilts will be N-linear combinations of square roots in N. To avoid computing in a massive tower of square extensions of N, we implement SqrtLinCombination here that provides a special implementation of the == operator.

snappy.verify.squareExtensions.find_shapes_as_complex_sqrt_lin_combinations(M, prec, degree)

Given a manifold M, use snap (which uses LLL-algorithm) with the given decimal precision and maximal degree to find exact values for the shapes’ real and imaginary part. Return the shapes as list of ComplexSqrtLinCombination’s. Return None on failure.


sage: from snappy import Manifold
sage: M=Manifold("m412")
sage: find_shapes_as_complex_sqrt_lin_combinations(M, 200, 10)
[ComplexSqrtLinCombination((1/2) * sqrt(1), (x - 1/2) * sqrt(1)), ComplexSqrtLinCombination((1/2) * sqrt(1), (x - 1/2) * sqrt(1)), ComplexSqrtLinCombination((1/2) * sqrt(1), (x - 1/2) * sqrt(1)), ComplexSqrtLinCombination((1/2) * sqrt(1), (x - 1/2) * sqrt(1)), ComplexSqrtLinCombination((1/2) * sqrt(1), (x - 1/2) * sqrt(1))]
class snappy.verify.squareExtensions.SqrtLinCombination(value=None, d={}, embed_cache=None)

A class representing a linear combination

c_1 * sqrt(r_1) + c_2 * sqrt(r_2) + … + c_n * sqrt(r_n)

where c_i and r_i have to be of type Integer, Rational or elements of the same Sage NumberField with a real embedding (Caution: this is assumed but not checked!) such that all r_i are positive (Caution: this is not checked during construction!).

It implements +, -, * where one of the operators is allowed to be an integer or rational.

/ is only implemented when the denominator has only one term c_1 * sqrt(1). sqrt is only implemented for c_1 * sqrt(1) and it is not checked that c_1 is positive.

== is implemented, but the other comparison operators are not: casting to a RealIntervalField is implemented instead and the user can compare the intervals.

The == operator is implemented by first reducing A == B to D == 0 and then converting to a different data type (_FactorizedSqrtLinCombination) that can represent linear combinations:

D =     c_1 * sqrt(r_{1,1}) * sqrt(r_{1,2}) * ... * sqrt(r_{1,k_1})
      + c_2 * sqrt(r_{2,1}) * sqrt(r_{2,2}) * ... * sqrt(r_{2,k_2})
      + ...
      + c_n * sqrt(r_{n,1}) * sqrt(r_{n,2}) * ... * sqrt(r_{n,k_n})
by just trivially setting

k_i = 0 when r_i = 1 and r_{i,1} = r_i and k_1 = 1 otherwise.

For this data type, multiplying two sqrt(r_{i,j}) with equal r_{i,j} will cancel the two sqrt’s and apply the common r_{i,j} to the c_i of the result instead. Thus, the following procedure for determining whether D == 0 will eventually terminate:

  • if the number of terms n is 0, return True

  • if the number of terms n is 1, return c_1 == 0

  • if there is a r_{i,j} common to each summand, factor it out

  • pick one of the r_{i,j}, split the sum into two parts “left”, respectively, “right” of all the terms containing sqrt(r_{i,j}), respectively, not containing sqrt(r_{i,j}).

  • If left^2 - right^2 == 0 is False, return False. (sqrt(r_{i,j})^2 simplifies to r_{i,j} and disappears, so the resulting expression is easier and this recursion terminates eventually.)

  • If left == 0 (some comment applies), return True

  • Use interval arithmetic of increasing precision until it is high enough to determine the signs of left and right. Return True if and only if the signs differ, otherwise False.


sage: from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import NumberField
sage: from sage.rings.integer import Integer
sage: from sage.rings.rational import Rational
sage: from sage.rings.real_mpfr import RealLiteral, RealField
sage: from sage.rings.real_mpfi import RealIntervalField
sage: from sage.calculus.var import var
sage: from sage.functions.other import sqrt
sage: x = var('x')
sage: poly = x ** 6 + Rational((3,2))*x**4 + Rational((9,16))*x**2 - Rational((23,64))
sage: nf = NumberField(poly, 'z', embedding = RealField()(0.56227951206))
sage: z = nf.gen()

sage: A = SqrtLinCombination(z)
sage: B = SqrtLinCombination(Rational((8,9))*z**4 + Rational((10,9))*z**2 + Rational((2,9)))
sage: C = SqrtLinCombination(3)
sage: D = SqrtLinCombination(Integer(5))
sage: E = SqrtLinCombination(Rational((6,7)))

sage: A + B
(8/9*z^4 + 10/9*z^2 + z + 2/9) * sqrt(1)
sage: B - E
(8/9*z^4 + 10/9*z^2 - 40/63) * sqrt(1)
sage: A + sqrt(B) * sqrt(B)
(8/9*z^4 + 10/9*z^2 + z + 2/9) * sqrt(1)
sage: A + sqrt(B) * sqrt(B) + C == A + B + C
sage: A / E
(7/6*z) * sqrt(1)
sage: B / A.sqrt()
(128/207*z^5 + 376/207*z^3 + 302/207*z) * sqrt(z)
sage: B / (D * A.sqrt())
(128/1035*z^5 + 376/1035*z^3 + 302/1035*z) * sqrt(z)
sage: RIF = RealIntervalField(100)
sage: RIF(B.sqrt() + E.sqrt())
sage: A - B == 0
sage: (A + B).sqrt()
(1) * sqrt(8/9*z^4 + 10/9*z^2 + z + 2/9)
sage: 3 * A.sqrt() + (4 * B).sqrt() + C + 8 == (9 * A).sqrt() + 2 * B.sqrt() + (C * C).sqrt() + 11 - 3

Returns the +1, 0, -1 depending on whether the value is positive, zero or negative. For the zero case, exact arithmetic is used to certify. Otherwise, interval arithmetic is used.


Similar to sign, but for the non-zero case, also return the interval certifying the sign - useful for debugging.

class snappy.verify.squareExtensions.ComplexSqrtLinCombination(real, imag=0, embed_cache=None)

A pair (real, imag) of SqrtLinCombinations representing the complex number real + imag * I. Supports real(), imag(), +, -, *, /, abs, conjugate() and ==.


Imaginary part.


Real part.


All final exceptions are deriving from two base classes:

  • a subclass of VerifyErrorBase to indicate whether a numerical or exact verification failed

  • a subclass of EquationType to indicate the type of equation of inequality for which the verification failed.

Intermediate subclasses (those without __init__) are not supposed to be raised.

The hierarchy is as follows:

  • VerifyErrorBase(RuntimeError)

    • NumericalVerifyError

      • InequalityNumericalVerifyError

      • LogLiftNumericalVerifyError

    • ExactVerifyError

      • IsZeroExactVerifyError

  • EquationType

    • EdgeEquationType

      • EdgeEquationExactVerifyError

      • EdgeEquationLogLiftNumericalVerifyError

    • CuspConsistencyType

      • CuspEquationType

        • CuspEquationExactVerifyError

        • CuspEquationLogLiftNumericalVerifyError

      • CuspDevelopmentType

        • CuspDevelopmentTypeExactVerifyError

    • TiltType

      • TiltInequalityNumericalVerifyError

        • TiltProvenPositiveNumericalVerifyError

      • TiltIsZeroExactVerifyError

    • ShapeType

      • ShapePositiveImaginaryPartNumericalVerifyError

    • ConsistencyWithSnapPeaType

      • ConsistencyWithSnapPeaNumericalVerifyError

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.ConsistencyWithSnapPeaNumericalVerifyError(value, snappea_value)

Exception raised when there is a significant numerical difference between the values computed by the SnapPea kernel and by this module for a given quantity.

class snappy.verify.exceptions.ConsistencyWithSnapPeaType

A base class for exceptions raised when there is a difference between the values computed by the SnapPea kernel and by this module for a given quantity.

class snappy.verify.exceptions.CuspConsistencyType

A base class indicating that verificatin of an equation involving a cusp failed.

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.CuspDevelopmentExactVerifyError(value1, value2)

Raised when finding a consistent assignment of side lengths to the Euclidean Horotriangles to form a Euclidean Horotorus for a cusp failed using exact arithmetic.

class snappy.verify.exceptions.CuspDevelopmentType

A base class indicating that there was a failure to find a consistent assignment of side lengths to the Euclidean Horotriangles to form a Euclidean Horotorus for a cusp.

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.CuspEquationExactVerifyError(value, expected_value)

Exception for failed verification of a polynomial cusp gluing equation using exact arithmetics.

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.CuspEquationLogLiftNumericalVerifyError(value, expected_value)

Exception for failed numerical verification that a logarithmic cusp equation has error bound by epsilon.

class snappy.verify.exceptions.CuspEquationType

A base class indicating that a cusp gluing equation (involving the shapes) failed.

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.EdgeEquationExactVerifyError(value)

Exception for failed verification of a polynomial edge equation using exact arithmetics.

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.EdgeEquationLogLiftNumericalVerifyError(value)

Exception for failed numerical verification that a logarithmic edge equation has error bound by epsilon.

class snappy.verify.exceptions.EdgeEquationType

A base class indicating that an edge equation could not be verified.

class snappy.verify.exceptions.EquationType

A base class to derive subclasses which indicate what kind of equation failed to be verified.

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.ExactVerifyError

The base for all exceptions resulting from a failed verification of an equation using exact arithmetics.

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.InequalityNumericalVerifyError

The base for all exceptions resulting from a failed numerical verification of an inequality (typically by interval arithmetics).

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.IsZeroExactVerifyError

The base for all exceptions resulting from verifying that a desired quantity is zero using exact arithmetics.

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.LogLiftNumericalVerifyError

To verify a logarithmic gluing equation, the verify module will usually first verify the corresponding polynomial gluing equation. This means that the logarithmic gluing equation will be fulfilled up to a multiple of 2 Pi I. It then computes the logarithms and numerically checks that the result is close (by some epsilon) to the right value. Because we already know that the difference is a multiple of 2 Pi I, checking closeness is enough.

This exception is supposed to be raised if the polynomial gluing equations have passed but checking the logarithmic equation is epsilon-close has failed.

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.NumericalVerifyError

The base for all exceptions resulting from a failed numerical verification of an equality (using some epsilon) or inequality (typically by interval arithmetics).

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.ShapePositiveImaginaryPartNumericalVerifyError(value)

Failed numerical verification of a shape having positive imaginary part.

class snappy.verify.exceptions.ShapeType

Base class for failed verification of legal shapes.

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.TiltInequalityNumericalVerifyError(value)

Numerically verifying that a tilt is negative has failed.

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.TiltIsZeroExactVerifyError(value)

Verifying that a tilt is zero has failed using exact arithmetic.

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.TiltProvenPositiveNumericalVerifyError(value)

Numerically verifying that a tilt is negative has not only failed, we proved that the tilt is positive and thus that this cannot be a proto-canonical triangulation.

class snappy.verify.exceptions.TiltType

A base class relating to tilts.

exception snappy.verify.exceptions.VerifyErrorBase

The base for all exceptions related to verification.